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Starting My Career At MMM

JAN 1, 2025

Robert showing off his photographer credentials.

2024 has been an incredible year of accomplishment for me. Not only did I get the chance to see my favorite band Sum 41 perform on their final tour together, and reconnect with a few of my best friends who I felt like I had drifted away from, but I also got hired at what is perhaps the coolest video production company in Saint Louis.

With struggling to find the right level of employment after college, I was starting to wonder if there was anything here for me or if I had taken the wrong path - I started to lose faith in myself. But after choosing to take the last chance I had to go see Sum 41 and then have the lead singer Deryck Whibley point directly at me in the front of the crowd from onstage, I found hope. Around the same time I had landed an interview at a certain video production company in the city... The stars were aligning. For the first time in a long time I felt like I was right where I needed to be and that luck was on my side.

Now, I'm a self-supportive adult with a proper job in my field that I truly enjoy!

I've never worked for a video production company before, I've always worked by myself freelancing. So even though I'm not sure what it's normally like to work at a production company, I don't think I'll find another workplace that's just as comfortable, fun, and personable as the environment that the employees of MMM have created for themselves and their clients.

I started in August 2024 and I've already done so much and been sent to so many new places. The most memorable experiences I've had so far include meeting world-famous olympians Ronnie Coleman and Eric Newby at Club Fitness, capturing Siteman Cancer Center's 10,000th stem cell transplant, and shooting behind the scenes of a brand new pharmaceutical research & development center for bioMérieux in Philadelphia. I would never have been able to meet these extraordinary individuals or attend these exclusive events without being given the opportunity to start a career with Mike Martin Media.

I'm eternally grateful for my first official job in video production at a company that believes in me, trusts me, and supports me. Even though I only learned about this company a few months ago through a recruitment bot, I feel as though this is where I've always been heading. I'm looking forward to meeting and experiencing all the new people and places this amazing position will introduce me to in the coming new year.

With enough time and effort (and a lil' bit of luck), hard work is well rewarded.

Keep on trekking,

- Robert

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